Use a Hot Tub to Improve Your Golf Swing
There are two things all golfers have in common: a desire to improve your golf swing as well as hope that the nagging discomfort in your back, shoulders, and elbow will go away. You may not realize it, but there’s one thing that can help both problems – moist heat, like that found in a hot tub.
Athletic trainers and sports medicine physicians have long known the benefits of moist heat to help improve your golf swing, ease muscles, and help patients recover from injuries.
A 15-20 minute soak in the moist heat of a hot tub two to three times a day can increase blood flow, alleviate pain and even promote healing. Beyond helping you feel better, this can improve your golf swing by increasing your range of motion and helping you suffer less down time due to injuries and discomfort.
However, swinging by the club or the gym two or three times a day to enjoy the benefits of a hot tub isn’t practical. Adding a hot tub to your home gives you the convenience to enjoy a soak nearly anytime. Before work, after a round, evenings, weekends – whenever you feel like it, really. Plus, it’s something your entire family can enjoy.
Professional golfers know this trick well – many of them swear by regular use of a hot tub, and have them in their homes.
Another step that can ease your discomforts and improve your swing is a stretching and exercise program. Regular stretching will improve your range of motion, and the right exercise will make you stronger, allowing you to drive the ball further. If you’re interested in this approach, a swim spa might be right for you. You’ll get the best of both worlds – the relaxing, moist heat and massage of a hot tub, with the space and configuration to accommodate an aquatic stretching and exercising program.
Do what the pros do – install a hot tub or swim spa in your home and start enjoying the benefits right away.