How Hot Should You Keep Your Hot Tub?
If you’re a newcomer to the hot tub community, you’ve probably realized that owning a spa comes with a new set of responsibilities. Cleaning the filters, balancing pH levels, and checking chemicals and minerals are only a few of the tasks associated with owning a spa. However, if you want to keep your hot tub safe for everyone involved, you need to understand the following facts about temperature levels. Remember, hotter doesn’t always mean better. We’d like to share more on the factors you need to consider for the best possible experience with your spa. If you want your hot tub sessions to be hazard-free and pleasant at the same time, keep reading.Disclaimer: long stretches of time in hot water can be dangerous for certain individuals. Consult your physician if you’re unsure about any health conditions that might be affected by a hot tub session. Conditions that put the individual at risk in hot water include heart disease, diabetes, pregnancy and more. Ensure you turn the temperature down before you get into a heated spa. If your physician recommends against it, DO NOT risk your health. Maximum LimitThe maximum temperature limit for a spa is 104°F. This is the acceptable industry standard that manufacturers should stick with. Newer hot tub models do NOT allow you to turn them up any higher than 104°F, this is because it is considered the hottest water for adults to safely soak in. Experts warn that anything hotter than the recommended heat is quite hazardous. Although new hot tubs have a limit, older hot tub models could allow for higher temperatures than recommended. Anyone who owns such a spa should be aware of the risks and ensure the heat stays within the recommended limit. A special thermometer should always stay in the hot tub to check the temperature before taking a dip.
What’s safe for children?Children should absolutely not be exposed to water temperatures above 95°F. Talk to your children about important spa safety measures. Young children should not be allowed in the hot tub alone without adult supervision. The “Perfect” TemperatureOkay, we’ve all heard that everything is subjective and largely dependent on the individual’s preference. But what if we told you that we’ve come to a different conclusion? Sure, people have slightly different temperature preferences, but most enjoy temperatures of 100°F-102°F.While you’re determining the perfect temperature for yourself, never crank your hot tub all the way to the maximum setting. It’s okay (and recommended) to start out conservatively before determining what works. Energy EfficiencySo now that you know how to safely determine your favorite temperature, you may want to consider how to save on energy costs. Do not turn your spa’s heat down when you’re done using it. This will burn through energy and cost significantly more as it stresses your hot tub heating element. It strains the heating element because it is forced to work extra hard to get the temperature back up when you’re ready to use it again. For regular use, keep it set at your ideal temperature. Enjoy your next soak!