7 Things to Consider Before Situating Your Hot Tub
Purchasing a hot tub is exciting. So exciting that many of us countdown the days until our beloved spa’s arrival! However, as it gets closer to the delivery date, you may want to consider your hot tub’s placement. Where you situate your hot tub is entirely dependent on you, your lifestyle and your imagination. We know that all of the excitement can make it difficult to process details, but we highly recommend the following considerations! Remember, you don’t want to wait until the last minute. Depending on the type of hot tub you have (like a Getaway Hot Tub or Clarity Spa) and your dealer, you might be able to enlist the help of the delivery personnel for installation.
Here are 7 things to consider before you situate your spa:
Indoor or outdoor. The first consideration to make is whether or not to install inside or outside. Some people install their home spas inside, opting for rooms with good air circulation, ventilation and water-resistant walls. There is considerably more work associated with an indoor hot tub, which is why outdoor hot tubs tend to be the common choice. A matte finish, non-slip tile floor is ideal for an indoor hot tub.Home/landscape design and layout. The design and layout of your home or landscape is another key factor. Some areas of your home/landscape may not be feasible for installation. You may want to consult with your dealership on this matter if you’re unsure. Make note of the following:
- Is the location accessible for delivery?
- Is the installation spot on a solid surface?
- What are your new spa's electrical requirements?
- How will you fill and drain your hot tub?
- Is it convenient for any maintenance that may need to be done?
- Do you want to locate it in a spot that allows for more privacy?
Personal taste. Your lifestyle and taste will affect where you’d like to situate your spa. Perhaps you’ve always been the type who enjoys looking up at the stars during a soak. Maybe you’re someone who lives on a beach, in the mountains, or near a wooded area- you may want to enjoy your hot tub alongside an incredible view. If you live in a suburban area, you probably want the privacy afforded by your backyard. It’s all up to you at this point!Structural Support. Even the smallest hot tubs aren’t light- in fact, on average, they can hold around 450 gallons. We’re not even including the weight of a spa with people in it! Whatever location you pick, it should be able to fully support the weight of your hot tub (plus however many adults can fit in it). For outdoor spas, a 4-inch concrete slab is recommended. Indoor hot tubs require a bit more legwork. Before installing your hot tub inside, we recommend you check with a building contractor to ensure that your spa’s weight isn’t too much for the structure to handle. Protection. Wherever you decide to put your spa, you will need to consider potential drainage and waterproofing issues. Although wooden decks are common for placing spas, moisture and drainage can damage them. As spas need to be drained a few times per year, they should always be placed near a drain (or install one if there isn't one nearby). Remember that drainage channels should always direct any water away from your hot tub’s equipment compartment. Should you place your spa inside or outdoors on a wooden structure, coat the wood with a sealant (it will protect from rot and mildew).
Comfort. Comfort is a lesser known aspect of hot tub placement. Some people would prefer to keep their outdoor spa as close to their home as possible for a quick and comfortable transition. Others find that placing their hot tub under a shaded area or gazebo is ideal because it shelters their spa from the elements, allowing them to enjoy it year-round. The less comfortable your hot tub is, the less likely you are to use it. Personal Access. Finally, personal access is key to whether or not you’ll fully immerse yourself in the spa experience. If you place your spa too far from your home, or if it’s located in a hard-to-reach spot for you or your guests, it will impede your access and it might even dissuade you from using your spa more often. Deciding on the best possible location requires serious thought on all of the above points. If you’re still unsure about where to situate your hot tub, feel free to contact us (we’ve got PLENTY of experience with hot tub installation). You can reach us by calling one of our locations. We’re happy to help out!